A Journey of our Travels
Blue skies, wide open spaces, red rocks, rolling thunderstorms, dinosaurs and cinnamon rolls!?
Our Dometic RV refrigerator is basically a large paperweight right now!
This video is not for the faint of heart due to fear of heights!
Maybe we can get better gas mileage with this one?
Yo ho, yo ho a nomad’s life for me…..
A quick and fun video that showcases the life and adventures of the Totally Trailer Trio over the last six years…..
Behind the scenes peek at what preparing to go on the road full time looks like!
It’s no secret that we love dry camping and boondocking, but we love it even more when we get to share it with friends and fellow camping enthusiasts.
According to the March 16, 2015 market and data trend report prepared by The Recreation Vehicle Industry Association, there are more than 9 million households that own an RV!
ALL CAMPGROUNDS FULL!! What were we thinking?