A Journey of our Travels
Our video about volunteering with Samaritan’s Purse in Baton Rouge, LA
Called to be the hands and the feet…..
We are not in Louisiana on vacation….so why are we here??
What we have learned and what the media doesn’t tell you….
“Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few” ~Matthew 9:37
Yo ho, yo ho a nomad’s life for me…..
This post is devoted to all of the remarkable people that have touched our hearts and our lives forever and to the new friendships and bonds that we look forward to creating along the way.
Technically, we made the local newspaper, but hey, we feel like celebrities now 🙂
A quick and fun video that showcases the life and adventures of the Totally Trailer Trio over the last six years…..
Behind the scenes peek at what preparing to go on the road full time looks like!