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In Awe


After coming here for so many years, we are still in awe of the wonder that is LAKE POWELL!

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Coming to an End – Full Time RV Video


From Southern Utah to Northern Arizona (and another thunderstorm…yay)!

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Are we supposed to be dinosaurs or cavemen?


On this adventure, we went WAY back in time….we’re talking pre-historic days when dinosaurs roamed the earth (well, at least it felt like that to us)!

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Back when we were only “slightly trailer” – Video


A quick and fun video that showcases the life and adventures of the Totally Trailer Trio over the last six years…..

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“There are no roads where we’re going” ~ Doc from Back to the Future


We got a little side-tracked by these incredible forces of nature and geological formations- but, can you blame us?

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Wandering through Wind Caves- Adventure Video


Welcome to the land of the Flintstones!

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Exploring Lave Tube Caves- Adventure Video


Caves, lava, extinct volcanoes…..our definition of heaven!


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Granite Dells in Prescott, AZ are a feast for the eyes and the camera!

Hiking trails, kayaking, rock formations, multiple colors and textures, along with sparkling water ways?? We love this place!

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Fountain of Youth Spa RV Resort


The final leg of our “shake down cruise” with the trailer led us down the San Andreas Fault, through the geology rich Mecca Hills, around the Salton Sea and at the Fountain of Youth Spa RV Resort.

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Arroyo Tapiado Mud Cave Exploration


We felt like we were in an Indiana Jones movie out here!

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