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Are we supposed to be dinosaurs or cavemen?


On this adventure, we went WAY back in time….we’re talking pre-historic days when dinosaurs roamed the earth (well, at least it felt like that to us)!

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Totally Trailer made the news!


Technically, we made the local newspaper, but hey, we feel like celebrities now 🙂

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Back when we were only “slightly trailer” – Video


A quick and fun video that showcases the life and adventures of the Totally Trailer Trio over the last six years…..

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“There are no roads where we’re going” ~ Doc from Back to the Future


We got a little side-tracked by these incredible forces of nature and geological formations- but, can you blame us?

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Wandering through Wind Caves- Adventure Video


Welcome to the land of the Flintstones!

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Hidden Kumeyaay Pictographs and Our New Apartment…shhh…..

This well -kept secret of the Anza Borrego Desert State Park is worth the trip and exploration to find it.

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Who doesn’t love playing in dirt and rocks?

This trip was all about dirt and rocks, since we admired and explored these mountains from the inside out!

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Arroyo Tapiado Mud Cave Exploration


We felt like we were in an Indiana Jones movie out here!

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Blair Valley & Anza Borrego Exploration


Channeling the old stage coach by camping on the historic route

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First Day With Our New Toy


I never thought I would have another baby….

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