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The Bottom of Texas – Full Time RV Video


We went south for the winter….really south!

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In Awe


After coming here for so many years, we are still in awe of the wonder that is LAKE POWELL!

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Back when we were only “slightly trailer” – Video


A quick and fun video that showcases the life and adventures of the Totally Trailer Trio over the last six years…..

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Kauai, Hawaii exploring the “The Garden Isle” Adventure Video

Kauai is a beautiful island to explore, hike and experience new adventures. Join us on this video tour to see what kind of trouble we got into on the “Garden Isle”!

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From Desert Sand Dunes to the Sandy Island Beaches of Kauai

 Life is truly a beach along the glorious Kauai coastline.

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Another summer day comes to a close and offers a glorious Sunset!

The Totally Trailer gang is quite partial to the Colorado River, and we keep coming back to it for the rest, relaxation, warm water and great memories.

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