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Not That Colorado River – Full Time RV Video


We brought our favorite river all the way to Texas?

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Texas Tire Trouble – Full Time RV Video


Tire trouble with a capital “T”

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Tour of America’s Most Wanted – Cribs Style- Full Time RV Video


Ever been on America’s Most Wanted list? Well, now you can be…on their guest list, of course!

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Improving our WiFi Signal – Full Time RV Video


Technology….You can’t live with it…and you can’t live without it!

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Volunteering – Full Time RV Video


You don’t work a day in your life, when you are doing something you love!

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Back to the Polygamist Town – Full Time RV Video


You can’t come here and not be impacted and motivated to come back

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In Awe


After coming here for so many years, we are still in awe of the wonder that is LAKE POWELL!

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