Why are we in Louisiana?



We are not in Louisiana on vacation….so why are we here??


The simple answer is, “because God told us to”!

The more in-depth answer comes from one of our e-newsletters from last year.

Last August, we sent out a request for prayers for the people of Louisiana. We were watching the news unfold of the disastrous flooding in the Gulf and we were notified by Samaritan’s Purse that they were dispatching crews to assist. For those of you who don’t know, we are registered volunteers for Samaritan’s Purse Disaster Relief Team and we receive text message alerts when they need us.

Back in August, we thought for sure we were going to Louisiana to serve and we prayed diligently for God’s marching orders for our family. However, God had something else in mind for us, because one week later we found ourselves in Colorado City for the first time (and you know how that story goes)!

Since leaving Colorado City for the winter (we can’t be in freezing temps with our particle board house on wheels), we have been traveling across the southwest to bring awareness to the changes and the needs of the town. We have been meeting with pastors, churches, missionary families (and pretty much anyone who will listen to us). We’ve visited more than 12 different churches in 5 different states and we have been blessed by wonderful weather and incredible people.

As we wrapped up our time in Texas, we were informed that Samaritan’s Purse was still in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The disaster relief team had moved out, but the rebuilding team has been faithfully serving flood victims for months and they still need a tremendous amount of help.

After speaking with the Samaritan’s Purse coordinator in Baton Rouge, we felt convicted to serve those still in need in Louisiana. It is not by happenstance that God had strategically placed us less than 500 miles from the rebuilding efforts.

And so, a new adventure begins for our family!

We are as far East as we have ever been with the trailer and we never know what each day may hold for us. We do know that Samaritan’s Purse requires 12 hour days and we will be parked in a church parking lot without any RV hook-ups for at least a week.

Please join us in praying for the families we will be helping and for Godly organizations like Samaritan’s Purse that stay and help until the very end (and are not just there for the publicity when an event happens). While you are praying, we ask that you please pray for our health, safety and guidance too, as we venture into all new territory!

I have included some photos of the flooding that occurred back in August, so you can see the damage and have an idea of where and why we are here. Stay tuned for new updates and photos too!

To learn more about what Samaritan’s Purse is doing in the south check out: www.SamaritansPurse.org.


Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for current photos and adventure updates!

Wait!! Don’t go….Have you seen our new YouTube Videos?? Check them out here: YOUTUBE



We captured this screenshot from current road conditions in the town on 8/13/16. Ironically, we will be stationed in the same area on the map listed above!



Breaking news that we were watching in our RV as it happened; 5 months later, we will be right there!



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